Safe and Effective Contraception for Men

What is Vasectomy

Vasectomy is a surgical procedure that stops the sperm from leaving your body, providing permanent birth control. Vasectomy is safe and effective for preventing pregnancy.

No Needle – No Scalpel
Open-Ended Technique

  • Vasectomy is a surgery that is safe and effective strategy for permanent birth control.
  • No Technique for contraception is 100% effective, yet vasectomy is one of the best choices accessible with a failure rate of 0.01%.
  • No needle no Scalpel Vasectomy using an advanced technique for anaesthesia using local spray, which is a very potent local anaesthetic technique.
  • Using open ended technique is the most effective technique of doing vasectomy as it has least possible complications and the most effective technique for minimising failure rate.
  • Return to work the same day.
  • Procedure time is between 15–20 minutes.
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family, male, female, two children, outside home

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Get answers to common questions about the vasectomy procedure and what to expect. Need more help? Book your appointment online today!

What is a no needle, no scalpel vasectomy?

A no needle, no scalpel vasectomy is a minimally invasive permanent birth control procedure that uses a high-pressure jet injector for anaesthesia and a single small opening, reducing pain and recovery time. Book your consultation online for a quick and easy procedure.

How effective is a vasectomy?

Vasectomy is one of the most effective forms of contraception, with a failure rate of only 0.01% when performed using advanced techniques like the open-ended method. Schedule your appointment today for long-term peace of mind.

What are the benefits of the open-ended vasectomy technique?

The open-ended technique minimises post-procedure pain and reduces the risk of recanalisation (rejoining of the vas deferens), making it the most effective method. Book online to learn more.

How long does the vasectomy procedure take?

The procedure takes approximately 15–20 minutes and is virtually pain-free due to Dr. Wagdi Nagib’s advanced anaesthetic technique. Make your booking today for a hassle-free experience.

When can I return to work after a vasectomy?

You can return to work the same day if no heavy lifting is involved. However, avoid sports or strenuous activity for 48 hours. Book online to plan your procedure at your convenience.

Is the vasectomy procedure covered by Medicare?

The consultation is bulk billed, but the vasectomy procedure itself costs $150, which is not covered by Medicare. With a quick recovery time, it's an affordable and effective long-term solution. Book online today.

Does a vasectomy affect testosterone levels or sexual performance?

No, a vasectomy does not impact testosterone levels or sexual function. It simply prevents sperm from reaching the semen. Enjoy peace of mind by booking a consultation online.

How do I book a vasectomy at Ave Maria Family Planning Clinic?

Booking is easy! Use our online booking system to secure your consultation and procedure with minimal wait time. Take control of your reproductive health today!